Latest stories

Memes are making us dumber | Kate Huang – Grade 12
Editor-in-Chief Kate Huang explains why the constant repetition, overuse, and roots in questionable soil of memes make us dumber.

Reflection on Huikao preparation | Zoe Chen – Grade 10
Staff Writer Zoe Chen reflects on her Huikao preparation and provides critiques of Taiwan’s college entrance process.

Tiger parenting doesn’t work | Kylie Ting – Grade 10
Senior Staff Writer Kylie Ting explains the harmful effects of tiger parenting while offering ways to cope with this toxic parenting style.

Howl’s Moving Castle Review | Nicole Hsu – Grade 10
Staff Writer Nicole Hsu explores why Howl’s Moving Castle remains a Studio Ghibli classic; rating its art, music, and captivating characters.

AI music is awful | Gia Lee – Grade 11
Staff Writer Gia Lee says that AI music is awful because of its low quality and how it reduces opportunities for actual, human artists.

Leading a club in high school | Gia Lee – Grade 11
Staff Writer Gia Lee talks about leading a club in high school and provides tips for those who are interested in being a leader themselves.

The danger of freedom of speech | Kylie Ting – Grade 12
Senior Staff Writer Kylie Ting reminds people of the dangers and risks of free speech. Additionally, what we can do to prevent those issues.

Adults need to be more patient with teens | Emily Liao – Grade 11
Assistant Editor Emily Liao penned a letter to her parents encouraging them to be a little more patient with her. After all, adults are not the only ones under pressure.

Should students be allowed to use ChatGPT? | Wilson Lin – Grade 11
Staff Writer Wilson Lin believes students should use ChatGPT. He also reminds users of its drawbacks and solutions to them.

Longer conscription will not help Taiwan’s military | Brandon Su – Grade 11
Staff writer Brandon Su argues that longer conscriptions in Taiwan do not help Taiwan’s military because of many existing issues.

NIMBYism: an act of irresponsibility | Brandon Su – Grade 11
Staff Writer Brandon Su points out the issues with NIMBYism, where individuals are hindering the development of a society’s infrastructure.

Chinese music in the 2000s was better | Kate Huang – Grade 12
Editor in Chief Kate Huang claims Chinese music in the 2000s was better because societal changes have affected the way people perceive music.

We need more restrictions on smoking | Iya Wu – Grade 10
Smoking is objectively bad for our health and the environment. Staff Writer Iya Wu outlines how the government put restrictions on this nasty habit.

Don’t judge other people’s music taste | Emily Liao – Grade 11
Assistant Editor Emily Liao explains why people shouldn’t judge other’s taste in music when there isn’t a standard for whether it’s good or bad.

Overconsumption is dangerous | Kylie Ting – Grade 12
Senior Staff Writer Kylie Ting explains how overconsumption negatively affects our society and suggests ways we can improve the issue.

Balancing friendships and GPA | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 10
Assistant Editor Kira Lei Chen offers a few methods on how to maintain a decent GPA without sacrificing your social life.

Casual ageism that you aren’t seeing | Kate Huang – Grade 12
Editor Kate Huang addresses casual ageism in Taiwan and how people should respect our elders to create a better society.

Why you should get a pet | Kylie Ting – Grade 12
Senior Staff Writer Kylie Ting explores how getting a pet benefits both our physical and mental health.

Discipline and Stoicism | Henry Chuang – Grade 8
For those seeking self improvement, staff writer Henry Chuang suggests they consider learning more about the four pillars of Stoicism.

Schools should place students in different PE classes based on athletic ability | Olivia Chiu – Grade 11
While physical education is mandatory at most schools, staff writer Olivia Chiu argues that it would be more beneficial to students if they were separated into classes based on athletic ability.

3 Taiwanese indie bands you need to listen to | Jewel Chen – Grade 11
As Taiwan’s indie music scene continues to flourish, staff writer Jewel Chen introduces three bands in particular that music lovers should take note of.

Why “not all men” doesn’t make sense | Chloe Hsu – Grade 12
Editor Chloe Hsu explains how the term “not all men” is condescending, reveals how unaware some men are of their privilege, and diminishes the dangers women face every day.

Girls when facing unrealistic beauty standards | Emily Liao – Grade 10
Staff writer Emily Liao explains how trying to meet to the impossible beauty standards of influencers can be detrimental to the mental and physical health of young women.

K-pop is toxic | Kylie Ting – Grade 11
K-pop in recent years has taken the world by storm, with many excited about the acceptance of South Korean pop culture outside of Asia. However, staff writer Kylie Ting explores the downsides to K-pop fandom.

Feminists love being called sensitive | Kate Huang – Grade 11
In her satirical article, Editor Kate Huang explains how men’s misogynistic behaviors help put feminists in their rightful place.

Why people avoid mental health treatment | Kylie Ting – Grade 11
Staff Writer Kylie Ting explains how fear of judgment and misconceptions around mental health deter people from seeking help when they should.

Understanding parasocial relationships | Olivia Chiou – Grade 11
Staff Writer Olivia Chiou writes on parasocial relationships, a rising phenomenon that can be both beneficial and harmful to people.

Taiwan should abolish the death penalty | Jewel Chen – Grade 11
Staff Writer Jewel Chen explains why she believes the death penalty should be abolished in Taiwan.

Turn your phone to grayscale mode now | Henry Chuang – Grade 8
Staff Writer Henry Chuang explains how the benefits of turning your phone to grayscale mode is backed by research.

Influencers are hypocrites | Nicole Hsu – Grade 9
Staff Writer Nicole Hsu critiques how social media influencers claim one thing but do the opposite, and how the image we see of them is fake.

Cliques in Taiwanese Schools | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 9
Staff Writer Kira Lei Chen explains the different cliques in Taiwanese schools and to help you find one to fit into.

Animal testing should be banned | Kylie Ting – Grade 11
Staff Writer Kylie Ting explains how animal testing is immoral and inaccurate, and provides alternatives to it.

Model UN sucks | Chloe Hsu – Grade 12
Editor-in-Chief Chloe Hsu explains why Model UN does not help with public speaking and critical thinking skills as much as it advertises.

Public Speaking is Better than MUN | Emily Liao – Grade 10
Staff Writer Emily Liao offers insight on why public speaking is better than Model United Nations for high school students.

Why you can’t trust anything on social media | Kylie Ting – Grade 11
Staff Writer Kylie Ting discusses reasons why social media is untrustworthy, and how we should always be wary of the content we consume.

I am a helpless people-pleaser. Here’s why you shouldn’t be. | Chloe Hsu – Grade 12
Editor-in-Chief Chloe Hsu explains how it’s easy to fall into a cycle of people-pleasing, and how it’s harmful to oneself.

Why I’m a better person than you because I don’t procrastinate | Kate Huang – Grade 11
Associate Editor Kate Huang tells you why she doesn’t procrastinate because she has better self-control and why you should learn from her.

3 reasons why group projects suck | Jewel Chen – Grade 11
Staff Writer Jewel Chen explains why group projects are inefficient, a waste of time, and unfair to students.

Why do social media platforms ruin themselves? | Felix Tsai – Grade 12
Senior Staff Writer Felix Tsai talks about the decline of major social media platforms and calls for user awareness and accountability.

Barbie Review | Chloe Hsu – Grade 12
Editor-in-Chief Chloe Hsu writes a review for the popular movie Barbie, offering insight and analysis on the film.

How to deal with backstabbing friends at school | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 9
Staff Writer Kira Lei Chen shares tips on how to deal with backstabbing friends using her own experiences in real life.

How to get along with younger siblings | Kylie Ting – Grade 10
Staff Writer Kylie Ting shares her experiences with her younger brother, and discusses how she learned to get along with younger siblings.

Why you should journal | Kate Huang – Grade 11
Associate Editor Kate Huang explores the benefits of journaling, which include expressing feelings, self-reflecting, and preserving memories.

Gossip is beneficial for students | Emily Liao – Grade 10
Staff Writer Emily Liao explores the reasons why gossip is beneficial for students, particularly in terms of building social relationships.

Stop telling me to lose weight | Jewel Chen – Grade 11
Staff Writer Jewel Chen shares her personal experience of being body-shamed and emphasizes the importance of self-confidence in one’s body.

Top 5 Korean dramas | Kate Huang – Grade 11
Having watched over 70 K-dramas, Associate Editor Kate Huang gives her top five K-drama recommendations and explains why she likes them.

Taiwan needs to talk about body dysmorphia | Chloe Hsu – Grade 12
Editor-in-Chief Chloe Hsu shares her experience with facing body dysmorphia, and how this reflects on Taiwan’s attitude toward the subject.

Applying to college as an Asian American | Kate Huang – Grade 11
Associate Editor Kate Huang explores the debate around on Asian Americans are affected by affirmative action.

Is the 108 Curriculum good or bad for students? | Zoe Chen – Grade 8
Staff writer Zoe Chen discusses both the pros and cons of the national curriculum of Taiwan—the 108 curriculum.

Shut Down All Zoos | Victor Lu
Senior Writer Victor Lu explains the issues with zoos, advocates for their closure, and proposes alternatives to zoos.

Paper straws won’t solve plastic pollution | Felix Tsai – Grade 12
Senior Writer Felix Tsai explains the issue of plastic pollution, primarily caused by oil companies, and proposes solutions to reduce it.

Stop fearing failure | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 8
Teenagers in Taiwan fear failure. They view success as the most important thing in the world whereas failure is something they should try their best to avoid. Teens fear failure so much because parents and teachers teach them that they have to be perfect. This fear of...

Top-ranked schools are more stressful | Zoe Chen – Grade 8
Staff writer Zoe Chen shares her experiences as a current student in a top-ranked school, and how it’s more stressful.

Taiwanese education hampers critical thinking | Kate Huang – Grade 10
Taiwanese people, both parents and students, are heavily invested in education. According to reputable sources like the National Center of Education, Taiwan is one of the top-performing countries in terms of education. Taiwan’s academic performance, especially in...

All teens should have internet access | Kylie Ting – Grade 10
Staff writer Kylie Ting explains why parents should give their teens internet access, instead of limiting it like many do.

Cultural appropriation vs. appreciation | Chloe Hsu – Grade 11
Editor-in-Chief Chloe Hsu discusses why it’s essential to know the difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation.

Is this generation raising weaker children? | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 8
Staff Writer Kira Lei Chen explains how the older generation tend to think the younger generation is weaker and how that is not the case.

Why studying at a girl’s high school is awesome | Jewel Chen – Grade 10
Staff writer Jewel Chen writes about her experience in an all-girls high school, and explains how attending this type of school is awesome.

Why is it so hard to apologize? | Kylie Ting – Grade 10
Staff writer Kylie Ting explains why apologizing is so hard, and emphasizes that despite its difficulty, it’s an essential thing to do.

The case of teenage jealousy | Chloe Hsu – Grade 11
Editor-in-Chief Chloe Hsu explains teenage jealousy: what it is, who it truly affects, and how to defeat it.

Book review: And the Mountains Echoed | Victor Lu
Senior Writer Victor Lu rates Khaled Hosseini’s epic novel, And the Mountains Echoed, in terms of its plot, settings, and themes.

“Wolf pack” mentality is stupid and dangerous | Felix Tsai – Grade 11
Senior Writer Felix Tsai explains the dangers behind the “wolf pack” mentality and the problematic “alpha male” ideology.

How should parents deal with their teens’ social lives? | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 8
Staff Writer Kira Lei Chen explains how parents should support teenagers to develop their social lives, and communicate with them when needed.

Four reasons why high school sucks | Kate Huang – Grade 10
Associate Editor Kate Huang talks about how the feeling of inadequacy, stress, drama, and judgement make high school an unpleasant experience.

Introverts and success | Kate Huang – Grade 10
Conventional wisdom assumes that an extrovert, an outgoing and outspoken person, makes for an ideal leader, and is thus more likely to be successful than the opposite: the introvert. There are plenty of studies that support this idea. For example, extroverted people...

Extroverts and success | Chloe Hsu – Grade 11
Editor-in-Chief Chloe Hsu explains the correlation between extroverts and success and whether extroverts can achieve success easier.

Why parents should not be overprotective to their kids | Victor Lu
Every parent considers their kid the most important thing in the world, and parents try their best to ensure kids are living carefree and safely. However, some parents become overly involved in their kids' lives. These overprotective parents shield kids from danger,...

Why do we make powerful AI when it scares us so much? | Felix Tsai – Grade 11
The first-ever use of the word “robot” was in the 1920 play Rossum's Universal Robots by Karel Čapek, where humanoid automatons toiled as unpaid labourers for their human overlords. The robots’ eventual revolt and extermination of the human race was used to explore...

How teenagers can achieve work-life balance | Victor Lu – Gap Year
Senior Staff Writer Victor Lu draws on his experiences and offers advise for teenagers to achieve work-life balance.

Systemic racism against migrant workers in Taiwan | Chloe Hsu – Grade 11
Editor-in-Chief Chloe Hsu explains the systemic racism that migrant workers — who are mostly from Southeast Asia — have to face in Taiwan.

You should read web novels. Here’s why. | Felix Tsai – Grade 11
Senior Staff Writer Felix explains that we should all read web novels, and that they are a great alternative to physical copies of books.

Stigma around mental health | Kate Huang – Grade 10
Stigma around mental health Millions of people are affected by mental issues every year, yet more than half do not receive treatment. This is due to a stigma surrounding mental health that makes speaking out about personal mental struggles immensely difficult. People...

Private school survival tips | Charlotte Lin – Grade 10
Staff Writer Charlotte Lin provides study and friendship-related tips for transfer students who are adapting to new school environments.

Helpful apps for students | Zoe Chen – Grade 8
Staff Writer Zoe Chen provides a list of helpful apps students can use to help them use their devices responsibly.

Formosa 900: My bike trip around Taiwan | Victor Lu – Gap Year
Cycling is my passion. It allows me to connect with others, trains my stamina, and is a way to relax and blow off steam. I always look forward to visiting new places on my bike, and one of my most exciting trips was biking around my beautiful homeland: Taiwan. When I...

Do STEM subjects offer better career opportunities? | Kate Huang – Grade 10
If you’re a student struggling to choose between studying STEM subjects, non-STEM subjects, or both, this article is for you. STEM – an abbreviation for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – is the group of subjects most people regard as better...

Clubs students should join in junior high | Zoe Chen – Grade 8
Joining a club is a way for students to take a break from studying. Clubs allow students to choose a class according to their liking and be devoted to it. Some people may want to use this period to be productive and increase their knowledge, while some want to join...

Why Taiwanese students are not getting enough sleep | Charlotte Lin – Grade 10
According to the Children Welfare League Foundation, Taiwanese students sleep 6.9 hours a night on average when they should be sleeping at least eight hours every night. The reason why students stay up late is mainly due to heavy school work loads. To make matters...

My virtual internship with non-profit organization SERVE | Chloe Hsu – Grade 11
This summer, I had the opportunity to participate in an online internship program hosted by Virtual Internships. As the name suggests, I interned at a company for four weeks, with a group, entirely online. The category of the company I chose was Social-Impact...

Do parents know what their children need in their studies? | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 8
The answer is no. Parents think that they know what their child needs, but in reality they are forcing their child to become something that the parents want, molding their child into the perfect student who is a prodigy in class. This is actually the most ineffective...

Why people don’t like being called feminist | Kate Huang – Grade 10
Associate Editor Kate Huang talks about why people don’t like being called feminist. She breaks down the misconceptions about feminism and explains the true meaning of it.

5 best riverside bike paths in Taipei | Victor Lu – Grade 12
Senior staff writer and avid bike rider Victor Lu catalogs some of the best cycling paths along Taipei’s riverside.

Should you be worried about anti-Asian hate when you visit America? | Kate Huang – Grade 9
Yes, anti-Asian hate is real. On March 16, 2021, a white man shot and murdered eight people, six of whom are Asian women, in three different spas across Atlanta. A 67-year-old Asian woman was stomped on and punched more than 125 times in New York City after being...

Schools should teach students about money and financial education | Kate Huang – Grade 9
There is one subject that will be useful throughout your entire life, but schools rarely teach you about it – money. While money seems like a topic that isn’t a concern in your teenage years, starting your financial education early is beneficial for your...

Casual homophobia in Taiwan | Chloe Hsu – Grade 10
May 24, 2019 was the day Taiwan made history by becoming the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. This was proof that Taiwan is one of the most progressive countries in Asia, and also proof that same-sex marriage has broad support with the citizens....

Drugs aren’t a crime, it’s an illness | Felix Tsai – Grade 10
In June of 1971, American President Richard Nixon declared drug abuse "public enemy number one" and kicked off the War on Drugs, a continuation of drug prohibition policies in the U.S., which prohibited the production, distribution, and consumption of drugs. Worse...

Why teenagers need art therapy | Victor Lu – Grade 12
Teenagers have to deal with academic stress, extracurricular activities, problems with their social lives, and expectations from both their parents and teachers. Because of all this, 20 percent of teenagers suffer from at least one mental health disorder. Because some...

Pros and Cons of food delivery apps | Una Chuang – Grade 10
On a hot, steamy summer day, with lunchtime approaching, what would you do: dress up and head out to buy groceries, get gross and sweaty, or chill at home, pull out your phone, and put in a quick and easy order on UberEats? As we are a generation spoiled by the...

Tips for dealing with common insecurities | Chloe Hsu – Grade 10
If there was one word I could use to describe everyone in the world, it’d be insecure. Everyone has insecurities. Even the most confident people in the whole wide world do. It is human nature to want to be better, and this means people often obsess over parts of...

Harry Potter isn’t as good as when you read it as a kid | Felix Tsai – Grade 10
Everybody remembers Harry Potter, if not for the fond memories of the magical world of flying broomsticks and messenger owls, then for it being the highest selling series ever. Its movie adaptations are nothing to scoff at either, with a total gross of $7.7 billion in...

How students can improve relationships with their teachers | Victor Lu – Grade 12
Teachers are central to education. They guide students in their lessons and cultivate passion for learning. Because teachers are supportive in students’ education, it is vital for students to build positive relationships with their teachers, and good teacher-student...

Homeschooling and why it is better than normal schools | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 7
Homeschooling is an education system for students that do not fit into ordinary education systems such as traditional public schools. Homeschooling helps every individual student because the student’s curriculum is custom-made and chosen to fit what the student needs....

Sexism in the education system | Chloe Hsu – Grade 10
Sexism in the education system? Didn’t we leave sexism back in the 1900s? We did, but we also didn’t. Sexism has always been something people are sensitive to, and women have long strived for gender equality. While nowadays, things are much better than a few decades...

Schools should pay more attention to student mental health | Kate Huang – Grade 9
When you see a student going up the stairs on crutches, you will give them a hand. However, when you see a depressed student in your class, you ignore the possibility that they are suffering from mental illnesses, assuming that they’re simply having a bad day....

Are cram schools for kids, or are they really for parents? | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 7
Almost every single student in Taiwan has been to a cram school, regardless of their age and their abilities. Cram schools, called buxibans, are part of the modern day Taiwanese culture, and without it the Taiwanese education system wouldn’t be what it is today....

Ad blockers, good or bad? | Felix Tsai – Grade 10
Ads are annoying. That is something that everybody, even the guy that invented pop-up ads, can agree on. Ads crowd the page when browsing through articles, get in the way when scrolling through Instagram, force little ten-second gaps when watching YouTube, and...

6 lessons I learned doing my college applications | Victor Lu – Grade 12
Twelfth grade is stressful. Most students have to apply for college, maintain their grades at school, and deal with tremendous pressure from both, especially from college applications. However, the college application process is still a valuable opportunity for...

Pro-life is anti-woman | Chloe Hsu – Grade 10
Abortion is one of the most controversial debates of all time. Both sides of the debate have raging enthusiasts willing to fight for their side of the argument. I, as someone who is pro-choice, believe that “pro-life” is anti-woman. But first, what are the two sides?...

Are big corporations evil? | Felix Tsai – Grade 10
McDonalds, Starbucks, Amazon, and Apple are all big corporations known around the globe. While these corporations provide us with convenient services and high quality items, they are also infamously known for doing things that are viewed as “evil”. For example, tax...

6 hiking attractions in Taipei | Victor Lu – Grade 12
Trekking on the hills along the riverbanks, enjoying the magnificent scenery, and feeling the joy of reaching the summit are all valuable moments of a hike. While there are many places for hiking, Taipei is a great choice for it because the city is surrounded by...

Getting vaxxed in the US | Cynthia Lin – Grade 10
Last year, Taiwan experienced an outbreak of COVID-19. We had our classes online, and of course, stayed at home for quarantine. No one was vaxxed and there were few vaccines in Taiwan. In addition to staying home, due to the international status of Taiwan, it was...

Taiwanese Law Should Protect LGBTQ Kids In Schools | Kira Lei Chen – Grade 7
Taiwan was the first Asian country to legally acknowledge LGBTQ couples and has a history of strong support for LGBTQ rights. The country passed laws that protect and allow LGBTQ couples to wed. However, discrimination in Taiwan still keeps popping up everywhere, and...

Taiwan should abolish “The Test”: ‘HuiKao’ | Una Chuang – Grade 10
Taiwanese junior high students have three years to prepare for a high school entrance exam, called the HuiKao, which I will refer to as “The Test”. Students are tested on academics learned in middle school, and apply to schools according to the scores they get. You...

How Englist changed my life | Victor Lu – Grade 12
When I first started learning writing, I sat at my desk and stared at my writing task, unwilling to jot down a word. Expressing my thoughts has long been an arduous task for me. To make things worse, my high expectations for myself have also placed enormous pressure...

Stop worrying about how popular you are | Una Chuang – Grade 10
Popularity is a big part of students' lives. Being popular determines how many friends you have, how many people would like to work with you, and how easy it is to ask for help. This fact motivates students to pay attention to how noticeable they are and how to make...
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