Why studying at a girl’s high school is awesome | Jewel Chen – Grade 10

Apr 18, 2023 | 0 comments

On my first day of school, I said: “Studying in a girls’ high school is so awkward, I don’t like my new school”. Back then, I never knew that I would fall in love with a girls’ high school.

The school I go to is ZhongShan Girls High School, which is one of the most well-known girls’ high schools in Taipei. Because I had never studied in a single gender school before, the first two weeks were uncomfortable for me. I felt like I was suddenly transferred to a different world where only girls existed.

How I adapted to girls’ high school

I didn’t like girls’ high school at first, and I felt awkward and uncomfortable. I tried to force myself to like my new school, but it took some time. I got used to an environment full of girls in about two weeks. Time was the key to how I adapted to girls’ high school. I started to fall in love with girls’ high school and found it awesome. Here’s why:

No boys

The best thing about girls’ high school is that there are no boys. Boys tease girls about their weight and appearance, and tend to make fun of them. However, no one will tease you because of how you look if you study in a girls’ high school.

Moreover, no boys means no relationship drama. In mixed gender schools, there are times when girls fight over a boy. Luckily, such a thing will not happen in a girls’ high school. Relationships between girls will not be affected because of boys, which is awesome.

Girls are more supportive

A common stereotype is that girls are more judgmental than boys. In many people’s minds, students in girls’ high school are like the mean girls in the movie Mean Girls. However, reality is totally different from that.

When you feel insecure because of your appearance, your classmates will disagree with you and help boost your confidence. There was one time when I told my classmate that I looked ugly in some pictures. She looked at me and told me that she likes how I smile and how I pose. Instead of criticizing me, she gave me compliments that warmed my heart.

School is more laid back

Furthermore, because there are no boys in class, girls are more comfortable in many situations. For example, sweat will make girls’ clothes a little transparent after PE classes. In normal schools, girls will feel awkward because they are afraid that some of the boys will look at the contour of their bras. Also, girls can enjoy themselves more in swimming classes, both when stretching or swimming.

In girls’ high school, girls are also more comfortable when talking. For instance, when girls are on their periods, borrowing sanitary napkins is easier. Girls can ask anyone for sanitary napkins any time, and everyone is willing to help. Sanitary napkins are just an example to show how comfortable girls are in girls’ high school. These are just a few of the reasons why studying in a girls’ high school is comfortable.

Not everyone has a chance to study at a girls’ high school, but if you do, I highly recommend you jump at the opportunity. Life there will be totally different. Life there will be awesome. Girls, let’s enjoy school life without stinky boys.


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