
Book Review: Thirteen Reasons Why | Irene Lin – Grade 11

Book Review: Thirteen Reasons Why | Irene Lin – Grade 11

“I hope you’re ready, because I’m about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically, why my life ended. And if you’re listening to these tapes you’re one of the reasons why.” Plot Clay Jensen returns home to find a shoebox containing seven tapes with a number painted on each side. Speaking through […]

Game of Thrones: Season 7 Review (**Spoiler Alert**) – Brian Tu – Grade 10

Game of Thrones: Season 7 Review (**Spoiler Alert**) – Brian Tu – Grade 10

With fire-breathing dragons, ice-cold zombies, and action-packed battles, Game of Thrones is the most popular TV show around. And after suffering one long year without Game of Thrones, fans were rewarded with the most intense and fast-paced season the show has ever offered. Still, plenty of fans were disappointed with the lack of political maneuvering, […]

The world of internet celebs | Tricia Liao – Grade 10

The world of internet celebs | Tricia Liao – Grade 10

Famous internet celebrities are often paid They also get sponsorships Sitting in front of a camera recording your random life can earn you thousands of dollars every year. Isn’t that a “dream come true?” Well, there is a group of people that live this dream. Being an internet celebrity is a job where people make […]

A Game of Thrones vs. A Song of Ice and Fire: Brian Tu – Grade 9

A Game of Thrones vs. A Song of Ice and Fire: Brian Tu – Grade 9

There are quite some big differences for characters and events between the books and the show. The books have more backstory. The television show doesn’t present the story through the same points of view as the characters in the books. With its outstanding acting, unpredictable plot, and complex characters, Game of Thrones has dominated primetime […]

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse: Irvin Fang – Grade 7

How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse: Irvin Fang – Grade 7

Have you ever wondered if one day zombies could appear in our cities and start eating and killing people, causing a zombie apocalypse? Want to know how to fight off zombies and be the hero? Or do you just want to hide and be safe until the apocalypse is over? No matter which type of […]

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