
The dumbest school rules | Felix Tsai – Grade 9

The dumbest school rules | Felix Tsai – Grade 9

Schools are in charge of passing on important knowledge to students that they will need for the rest of their lives. To do this effectively and efficiently, schools use a wide array of regulations and rules to make sure students learn well and can focus on their work....

Op-ed: Private schools shouldn’t exist | Chloe Hsu – Grade 9

Op-ed: Private schools shouldn’t exist | Chloe Hsu – Grade 9

What does it take to go to a private school? You might say you need to be smart or hardworking or you have to pass tests; however, you are missing something - money. Without money, no matter how smart and hardworking a person is, they would never, ever, get the chance...

Students shouldn’t freak out about test scores | Vera Huang – Grade 10

Students shouldn’t freak out about test scores | Vera Huang – Grade 10

Test scores - something that students care about on a daily basis - scare students every time they are announced. Parents tell students all day long: “Work harder, your grades are not good at all”, “Are you even reviewing?” and all sorts of scolding. This creates a...

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