The dumbest school rules | Felix Tsai – Grade 9

Apr 16, 2021 | 0 comments

Schools are in charge of passing on important knowledge to students that they will need for the rest of their lives. To do this effectively and efficiently, schools use a wide array of regulations and rules to make sure students learn well and can focus on their work.

While most of these rules make sense and help students learn, there are still several regulations that make no sense and do not help students learn effectively.

Dress codes

Most schools have a dress code in place. These could range from banning revealing clothes and shirts with bad messages printed on them to uniforms and strict regulations on hair styles and length.

While minor rules like not allowing revealing clothes and bad messages make sense, some other regulations seemed to have no impact on how effectively the students can learn. Some schools even have very strict dress codes or outright force a uniform on the children. In Taiwan, almost all of the schools, private or otherwise, force their students to wear uniforms.

The people that put these rules in place use arguments like a decrease in bullying and teasing to justify setting uniforms in place, but while those are true, there are also problems with uniforms. One example was when 50 students were sent home on their first day because the school found minor issues with their uniform, which disrupted the students’ education.

Furthermore, while some studies show uniforms help with education, there are also conflicting studies that show uniforms make no impact on students’ education.

Required classes

While it makes sense for all students to take important subjects like math, literature, science, and history, there are many classes that don’t make sense.

Other languages

Many schools teach students a second language, usually Spanish or French. While it’s cool to be able to speak multiple languages, schools shouldn’t force it on students who do not wish to learn it. Not only is it of limited use to students who don’t plan on having contact with speakers of said language, it is also a huge waste of time for both the students and teachers if they do not wish to learn.


In U.S. schools, students are assigned a counsellor who will help them with their paperwork and grades, students can also go to the counsellor to ask for advice during their own time. However, in some schools, counselling is a course that all students have to go through, with homework and grades.

This is a stupid idea not only because it forces students to spend time doing homework, it also makes it near impossible for the counsellor to do anything since they have to assign work, teach, and give advice regarding schools to 15 to 30 students in a single hour.

Physical education

Keeping students fit is important, but the way schools go about doing that is wrong.

In P.E. classes, most schools have students go through a curriculum that trains their bodies in a whole slew of sports and activities, the way classes are organized and how teachers carry out these classes is flawed.

In P.E., there are often students who laze around and don’t do anything. This means that they barely learn anything, and sometimes, the school includes classes like dancing, which doesn’t train muscles or keep people fit in any way, especially at the intensity that schools teach it.

Schools often have stupid regulations. Most of them are pointless or silly, but others can be harmful to the educational process. These rules should be really easy to change and fix, but schools stubbornly refuse to change them. Changing them will make sure students can learn properly.


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