Why the US has failed handling the Coronavirus | Felix Tsai – Grade 8

Recently, a new virus was discovered in Wuhan and has since then started infecting people in China, Taiwan, and later spread to other countries in the West. At first, it seemed as if China and Taiwan’s economies and governments would be the first to fall to the virus,...
Taiwan should grant foreigners citizenship | Adam Huang – Grade 9

Taiwan should grant foreigners citizenship | Adam Huang – Grade 9

Citizenship is being an official member or part of a country. In many countries, it gives the right to vote, ability to serve in the military, and more. After staying in a country for a few years, immigrants often qualify to apply for citizenship. The majority of...
Lessons for Taiwan from the Hong Kong crisis | Irene Lin – Grade 12

Lessons for Taiwan from the Hong Kong crisis | Irene Lin – Grade 12

A controversial revision to the extradition bill in Hong Kong brought many of its citizens to the streets, calling for a withdrawal. Huge scale demonstrations have been constant since June 9, with an estimated 1.03 million people gathering on the first day; according...
Why Taiwan shouldn’t declare independence | Irene Lin – Grade 12

Why Taiwan shouldn’t declare independence | Irene Lin – Grade 12

宣布獨立將導致戰爭 宣布獨立並不會改善台灣現狀,甚至將取消現有的權利 台灣經濟過度仰賴於中國,宣布獨立將重創台灣經濟 Taiwan has been struggling to maintain a stable relationship with its diplomatic allies, while China, Taiwan’s biggest economic partner and an influential country around the world, continues to suppress...
Problems with politics in Taiwan and how to fix them | Carson Hu – Grade 11

Problems with politics in Taiwan and how to fix them | Carson Hu – Grade 11

台灣媒體的負面影響導致偏差的政治思想 民粹主義煽動民族情懷迎領政治風潮 臺灣政治及憲法體制的問題有助於台灣政治的惡化 Taiwan’s politics and government have been praised as one of the most successful in transforming from autocracy to democracy. Yet after almost 30 years of transformation, politics in Taiwan are still plagued...