How to stay positive on Instagram | Ryan Yu – Grade 9

Oct 29, 2020 | 0 comments

Instagram is all fun and games until Britney unfollows Tina. Instagram is creating a toxic atmosphere for students. Here is how you stay positive and avoid misunderstandings, jealousy, loneliness, and all sorts of negative feelings on Instagram.

Be mature

Flexing is the norm for teenagers on Instagram, and teenagers crave what other people have. I know that Chad’s post of his Supreme hoodie is dope but jealousy tends to get the best of us when we see what we don’t have. Grow up and adjust your priorities; focus on school work and not the pricetags of dumb hoodies.

Don’t overthink

If your friend unfollowed you on Insta, you might think that she wants beef with you. But please don’t overthink it because she might have unfollowed on accident. Instead of calling her names on your story, you have to stay calm and simply ask her why she unfollowed you. Acting this way will help you avoid misunderstandings and online arguments.

Don’t get too emotional

Wow, look at all those Instagram stories! Your classmate didn’t invite you to his birthday party and Britney invited Tina and Chad over for a movie. Your once vibrant, young teenage world is now dark, sad, and depressing because your friends and classmates are excluding you. Instead of crying yourself to sleep, try to socialize more in school and try inviting people over.

Avoid unnecessary trends

One day Tina bought a Hydro Flask because they’re a trend, and now everyone is buying Hydro Flasks. The truth is that trends die quickly and it’s time consuming keeping up with every trend. Be you and develop your own vibe.

Use Instagram less

When you’re finally tired of Britney gossiping and Chad flexing, it’s best to take some time off Instagram. Spend more time on people that you actually care about. A simple chat with your parents on your way to school could make their day and sharing funny videos with your siblings would be great. Spend your time wisely, and most importantly spend your time on people you love.

Social media can cause negative feelings and distractions, but focusing your priorities is a more mature choice for students. Stick to these five points: be mature, don’t overthink, don’t get too emotional, avoid unnecessary trends, and use Instagram less often. Doing so will guarantee you a more wholesome, positive experience when using Instagram.


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