Drugs aren’t a crime, it’s an illness | Felix Tsai – Grade 10
In June of 1971, American President Richard Nixon declared drug abuse "public enemy number one" and kicked off the War on Drugs, a continuation of drug prohibition policies in the U.S., which prohibited the production, distribution, and consumption of drugs. Worse...
Why teenagers need art therapy | Victor Lu – Grade 12
Teenagers have to deal with academic stress, extracurricular activities, problems with their social lives, and expectations from both their parents and teachers. Because of all this, 20 percent of teenagers suffer from at least one mental health disorder. Because some...
Tips for dealing with common insecurities | Chloe Hsu – Grade 10
If there was one word I could use to describe everyone in the world, it’d be insecure. Everyone has insecurities. Even the most confident people in the whole wide world do. It is human nature to want to be better, and this means people often obsess over parts of...
Ad blockers, good or bad? | Felix Tsai – Grade 10
Ads are annoying. That is something that everybody, even the guy that invented pop-up ads, can agree on. Ads crowd the page when browsing through articles, get in the way when scrolling through Instagram, force little ten-second gaps when watching YouTube, and...
Pro-life is anti-woman | Chloe Hsu – Grade 10
Abortion is one of the most controversial debates of all time. Both sides of the debate have raging enthusiasts willing to fight for their side of the argument. I, as someone who is pro-choice, believe that “pro-life” is anti-woman. But first, what are the two sides?...
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