
Pros and cons of Medicare for all | Leo Lin – Grade 8

Pros and cons of Medicare for all | Leo Lin – Grade 8

Medicare for all is a big topic in the United States. With 32% of American workers and over half having defaulted on it having problems with medical bills, and 530,000 Americans going bankrupt every year. The United States has undoubtedly one of the most expensive...

Who run the world? Girls  | Vera Huang – Grade 10

Who run the world? Girls | Vera Huang – Grade 10

Times are changing. Back in the day, men had high status in basically everything, whereas the status of women, most of the time, were way below men. However, this is not the case anymore; women are getting more attention and respect from not just other women, but men...

OpEd: Teenagers are shallow | Chloe Hsu – Grade 9

OpEd: Teenagers are shallow | Chloe Hsu – Grade 9

Think about the popular girls in your school and what they’re like. Are they pretty? Skinny? Cute? Well then are they funny? Nice? Or are they mean? Arrogant? Think about their personality traits and what has made them popular. Were they so nice that everyone wanted...

Black in Asia: Taipei Reading | TTT Editorial Staff

Black in Asia: Taipei Reading | TTT Editorial Staff

In 2020, much of the world is grappling with issues of racial justice, equality, and identity, and Taipei is no exception. Taipei Teen Tribune's mission is to allow writers to explore their city, country, and world in deeper and more meaningful ways than they...

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