OpEd: Literature isn’t boring – you are | Kyle Huang – Grade 9

May 21, 2019 | 0 comments

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Literature seems like the one subject that students do not care about. To students, it is an insignificant part of their teenage lives compared to all the action that is happening around them. In stark contrast to school drama, gossip, social media, or even other school subjects, literature is just boring. Here are some tweets posted on social media by students:

social media post about literature

social media post about literature

social media comment hating on literature

If you think literature is boring, useless, and lacking meaning, then you are wrong, you dumb goose. Two books in two days and you are complaining? They provide excellent knowledge! So maybe you should’ve started on the assignment earlier. Reading the same page of the book over and over? Maybe you’re just too dumb to understand it. Not paying attention in class? Well, that explains why you don’t understand literature, you doofus. Literature isn’t boring, you are.

Literature contains important life lessons

Literature is the wisdom of old passed down to us in writing. It prepares us and teaches us how to face the future by providing the reader with examples of failure –– presenting the melancholy story of Gatsby failing to regain a former love and his death, The Great Gatsby comments on the various illusions and realities that exist at the heart of the American life; the masterpiece To Kill a Mockingbird puts on display prejudiced ideologies not only to show that they are profoundly negative but also ridiculous.

Stories like these prepare readers for the dark side of society. For example, Shakespeare’s tragic plays teach readers that all things could end in tragedy. It prepares readers for their own tragic futures so they don’t get overwhelmed by the potential tragedies they may face. Unless you want to fail like the characters of classic literature and live pathetic lives, go read some books and gain experience of what to and what not to do.

Literature makes people more educated

It is essential to include Literature in educational programs because it provides excellent content for students to improve their critical thinking, researching, and interpreting skills, three vital skills that can determine one’s future. After their schooling, students would enter the labor force to contribute to the economy. In order to be accepted at a decent company, basic thinking skills and the ability to understand and analyze data are required. Literature provides experiences of all three for the students.

Many great literary works require a basic understanding of the setting and general ideologies of the time period where it is written, in which the student may have to research to fully understand. Literature forces students to think to predict the next action or event of the plot. Some may even contain hidden messages or purposes of the author for the readers to analyze. Therefore, literature helps students to practice their skills and improve their general ability to analyze and comprehend.

Reading literature enhances empathy

According to a scientific magazine, Scientific American, reading fictional literary works can enhance one’s empathy. Literary fiction often focuses on the psychology of characters and relationships. By only depicting character’s minds with vague details, the reader has to fill in the blanks with their own interpretations to understand character intentions, thus enhancing their ability to understand what others are thinking about.

Physical conflict within schools has been an increasingly major issue across the globe. Most of the time, the conflicts are flared by words that harm one’s pride. Reading fiction is extremely beneficial since it teaches kids to better interpret another’s emotions within and could cause students to step back and avoid provoking unwanted anger. Want to avoid getting punched in the face because of a single stupid comment? Read more literature.

Literature stokes creativity

According to Psychology Today, an online psychology magazine, reading enhances one’s brain’s connectivity and function. Neuroscientist Professor Gregory S. Berns, lead author of the relevant study says, “The neural changes that we found associated with physical sensation and movement systems suggest that reading a novel can transport you into the body of the protagonist.” In other words, by reading novels, the reader often put themselves into the characters of the story. This improves the imagination and creativity of the readers, trying to wear the shoes of the characters and predict what would happen next.

For human civilization to advance and improve, creativity is key. As technology and overall living conditions of humans advance, people will want more and more new innovations to satisfy their needs and to entertain them. It is crucial to have a creative mind in order to invent and come up with new ideas to meet the needs of the future. Creativity is vital if you want to live a decent life and earn money to feed yourself.

Literature helps with communicating effectively

Books and novels are all about communication. In order to convey information to readers in a coherent manner, each piece has to be formatted in a way readers can understand. As the readers read the story, they’ll have to organize the information they are given to understand the plot fully and accurately. This helps and improves their skills to formulate and present ideas of their own when communicating.

In addition, not only are events being presented by the writers’ descriptions within stories, so are the emotions. Emotions aren’t something that could be clearly stated or describe, so the author often suggests the character’s feelings through depicting their actions or appearances. For example, a character fidgeting with objects could be interpreted as that he/she is bored; a character with sunken eyes suggests that he/she is tried. These information needs to be correctly interpreted by the readers in able for them to understand. By doing so, readers could learn to better convey their own emotions to others and decipher one’s feelings or state of mind one is in.

Literature isn’t just some subject that is unimportant to your education that takes up time. It is a type of art consisting of fascinating knowledge, past experience, creativity, and entertainment all combined together. It teaches people how to communicate, create, be empathetic, and many vital skills that contribute to your overall learning experience and process of growing up into a successful adult. The subject literature should not be considered boring since there is so much entertainment and useful content contained within it. If you truly think it is, then what a boring person you are.


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