K-pop is toxic | Kylie Ting – Grade 11

K-pop is toxic | Kylie Ting – Grade 11

K-pop in recent years has taken the world by storm, with many excited about the acceptance of South Korean pop culture outside of Asia. However, staff writer Kylie Ting explores the downsides to K-pop fandom.

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Taipei Teen Tribune 是台灣第一個由學生撰寫的英文評論刊物,內容涵蓋部落格、周報和新聞專欄,題材皆由學生自由發想、研究和撰寫,經營團隊為以學術英文寫作課程聞名的 Englist

Englist提供大學預備和學術英文寫作課程,是台北首屈一指,專注於透過寫作鍛鍊批判性思考的培訓學院。Taipei Teen Tribune的撰稿作家大多為Englist高級寫作課程的學生,在多年紮實的寫作訓練下,得以在Taipei Teen Tribune上發表文章。

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Taipei Teen Tribune has considerably boosted my critical thinking and communication skills. In TTT, I can write whatever topic I am interested in, as opposed to writing for specified prompts. Although editing and revising my articles takes time and effort, I have persisted and published 21 articles so far.

There there are also occasions when I can discuss current events and pieces of writing, especially historical fiction, with my teacher and classmates.

Overall, TTT has helped me think and communicate in English effectively with others. Not only do these skills benefit me in school, they will help me when I enter the workforce.

Victor Lu

Former Kang Chiao student , Graduate

Taipei Teen Tribune has helped me develop my writing, critical thinking, and researching skills through writing articles. Not only has this increased the quality of my schoolwork, I also learned how to recognize bias online and can do my own research and come to my own conclusions.

Felix Tsai

Fuhsing Private School, Grade 11

As a writer who has been in TTT for around four years now, TTT has helped me grow in many ways. Through our lessons and from writing in variety of styles, my writing skills have improved immensely.

In this class, I write about things I enjoy, so I get to conduct research on topics I care about and gain better knowledge of them. Lessons on current world news and other controversial topics also help me improve my critical thinking skills, and they allow me to know how to take a stance and gain a wider perspective as well.

Chloe Hsu

Wego Private High School, Grade 11

This class has helped me a lot. Before, I was scared of writing because I didn't have a clear idea about how to structure paragraphs. However, after joining this program, I’m not scared of writing anymore because I have learned more about writing. Moreover, I find writing interesting. This class has not only improved my writing ability, but also my critical thinking skills.

Kylie Ting

Homeschool, Grade 10

Joining TTT is one of the best decisions in my life. It has helped me discover my passion for writing and provided me a platform to write about topics I'm passionate about, knowing that people will read my articles and, in some way, feel relatable or gain insight from them. The process of brainstorming ideas and writing articles has also sharpened my critical thinking skills and helped me become more aware of the issues in our society.

Kate Huang

Fuhsing Private School, Grade 10

Taipei Teen Tribune has given me a voice to speak about my life and society. It has forced me to think outside of my own bubble, and it has given me insight on the lives of people around me. TTT is the reason why I am passionate about writing, and confident about expressing my thoughts and opinions. Taipei Teen Tribune has greatly enriched my life.

Kira Chen

Fuhsing Private School, Grade 8

Taipei Teen Tribune has offered me a space to write about important topics and share my opinions with other people. Even though I have many ideas or insights to share, talking to my friends about it seems weird. However, I can write about it because of TTT and share these articles with people to understand these topics.

Taipei Teen Tribune has also provided me with other people's thoughts. By discussing with fellow writers, I can have better critical thinking abilities while coming up with unique ideas. The editors' suggestions have increased my writing ability while making articles understandable and engaging. Overall, Taipei Teen Tribune has benefited me by allowing me to share and receive opinions while raising my awareness of recent news or issues.

Zoe Chen

Dun-hua Junior High, Grade 8


Kang Chiao International School

Taipei Kuei Shan School

Taipei Fuhsing Private School

Taipei Wego Private Senior High School

Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School

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