Why you should get a pet | Kylie Ting – Grade 12

Sep 22, 2024 | 0 comments

If you live a busy life and come home lonely every day, you should get a pet. People who don’t have pets think that having one means more chores. However, having a pet is about making memories with them having a cute, furry friend.

Here are three reasons why you should get a pet:

1. Pets are good for you

After petting or playing with your pet, you will feel more relaxed. According to the American Heart Association, people who spend time with pets have a lower chance of developing mental illnesses compared to those who don’t.

Not only does having a pet boost your mental health, but spending time with pets also improves your physical health, as you need to physically play with or walk your pet. For example, if you have a golden retriever, you need to take at least a 30-minute walk every day, which lowers your risk of heart disease. In fact, a study from UC Davis shows that simply spending time with animals “significantly improves blood pressure.”

2. Pets teach us important life lessons

Having a pet comes with responsibilities, such as cleaning, grooming, and feeding them. These chores may seem trivial, but doing them every day requires consistency and commitment. Also, people who have pets must be responsible and affectionate because pets need daily care and attention, and this teaches owners to be patient and compassionate.

Finally, one tough yet important lesson that pets teach us is about death. Since most pets have shorter lifespans than humans, having a pet reminds us to cherish every moment with them, as well as how to navigate feelings of grief when it’s time for them to go.

3. Pets love you unconditionally

Pets can sense your emotions and provide love for their owners.

When dogs feel their owner is sad, they try to comfort their human. Some quietly sit beside you, some try to hug you, and some bring their favorite toys to comfort you. Even though pets may seem naive, they understand their owners’ emotions and they want their people to be happy.

Furthermore, you may have seen videos or heard stories of pets saving their owners’ lives, and sometimes even sacrificing their own lives. For example, a dog owner named Chris Totterer was unconscious in bed. When his dog realized this, it started barking to get the neighbor’s attention. When the neighbor heard the unusual barking, they contacted his wife, which ended up saving Totterer’s life.

Pets love their owners unconditionally. When you’re happy, they share your happiness; when you’re sad, they comfort and stay at your side without judging. Most of all, their love is so deep that they’d even risk their lives to protect you.

Getting a pet offers many benefits. Not only are pets good for your health, but they also teach you life lessons like love, loss, and responsibility. Most importantly, you get a furry friend who loves you no matter what. If you have a pet, enjoy every second with them. If you don’t have a pet, consider getting one now.


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